We’re back with the Wellness Wednesday posts! Thank you to everyone who commented, emailed, tweeted, etc… I never meant to discontinue the series, life just kind of got in the way. (Getting on a plane every week will do that to you… That’s a post for a different day, though.) Since these wellness posts are usually longer form and require me to be in the writing zone for a while, they’re not as easy to crank out as a simple outfit post, for example. But I’m glad you all seem to be so into the wellness topic, and I’m excited to keep sharing more!
There have been countless stories published recently about morning routines! Morning routines of just about everyone… highly productive and successful individuals, kick ass business people, celebrities, moms who somehow manage it all, etc. There have been books written, too! (Check out The Miracle Morning, if you’re so inclined.) I just did a quick google search and the results are endless… We’re all so fascinated the habits of others! I, too, am always looking for little tips and tricks that can impact my life in some way, shape, or form. And honestly, I really have noticed a difference in my days since I’ve started being more mindful about my routine!
Ever since I moved to Chicago, I’ve been pretty into my morning routine. It’s changed a little bit over the last two years, and it’s not as consistent as I’d like since I’m gone a lot. But without fail, as soon as I’m home, I jump right back into my routine, no matter how long I’ve been away! I honestly look forward to the simplicity and easy way of starting the day. Maybe I’ll do a follow-up post about how I try to incorporate my morning routine when I’m traveling… Would you be interested? Anyway, you can see some of my AM habits over the last year or two in these posts… Finding Joy Everyday (one of my favorites!) | Lemon Water + 5 Minute Journal | Making Coffee at Home | Working from Home Tips
First thing’s first… We’ve got to start with the night before. You can read more about it here, but I sleep with my phone out of the bedroom. I still use it as my alarm though, but my place is small enough that I can hear it from my desk or kitchen where I have it charging. (I actually just bought a real alarm clock last week, but haven’t switched over to using it yet.) I started the sleeping-without-a-phone habit back in New York, but it’s made a big difference in my sleep. No more mindless scrolling and browsing at night! For a while, I was sleeping with my phone on Do Not Disturb, but lately I’ve switched it over to airplane mode at night and it’s made ALL OF THE DIFFERENCE. Previously, I’d grab my phone to turn off my alarm and the first thing I’m seeing and starting my day with is notifications… Texts, emails, random app notifications, etc. Not a good thing to mentally dive into when you’ve only been awake for about 45 seconds, you know? Now, I don’t turn my phone off of airplane until I’m done with my morning routine and ready to dive into my day. Starting the day with the clear screen on your phone is kind of symbolic for starting with a clear mind… Don’t you think?
The 5-Minute Journal is also a game changer for starting the day off on the right foot! It simply helps you start the day in a more mindful way. Most of the time, I’ll go beyond that (either in my head or in a notebook) and set a few more intentions (both emotionally and to-do-list oriented) and give gratitude. I’ve found that starting the day with gratitude and intent helps to set a strong foundation for almost anything the day throws at you! I find myself to be more reflective in the evening, so journaling is something I typically do at night when I’m in the mood. But this quick little morning routine (five minutes max!) makes all of the difference. If you’re more of a morning person, maybe try jotting down a few things or journaling to get your mind flowing in the AM!
Shop the mug here… Shop the collagen protein here… See my living room here.
For the last few months, I’ve been starting my day with “bulletproof coffee” and I can’t say enough good things. (Read the full post here!) I’ve added a few things to my recipe, so I need to share an updated version with you guys soon. I also have a bulletproof matcha recipe that I need to post! Stay tuned for both.
Once I get my coffee going, I make the bed. I don’t know what it is about doing so, but I instantly feel more productive and put together. Especially since I work from home most days, it’s so much more gratifying to see a fully made bed versus messy sheets when I glance into my bedroom.
I’ve finally jumped on the meditation bandwagon! I’m currently using the Inscape App, but would love to hear any other recommendations if you’ve got them. I’m definitely not an expert and I very clearly understand why they call it a meditation practice, but it’s done wonders for my anxiety and general state of being. I will say, meditation has been hard for me to stick with… It’s so easy to fall out of the habit. But I’m really working to make it an everyday thing, even if it’s just five minutes. If you have any specific (or general!) meditation questions, be sure to leave a comment below or shoot me an email. I’m planning to do a full post about the topic! Or if you have any advice, I’m all ears, too.
I also love to start the day with something active! This is the hardest one to stick to since finding the time can be tricky, and I totally get that. If squeezing in a full morning workout isn’t in the cards for me, I absolutely love going on a walk in the morning. (One of the many things I will love about having a dog someday!) Most people get fresh air at some point during their commute, but it can be really stuffy when you’re only going from your bed to your desk. Even if it’s just walking around the neighborhood with my coffee in hand, there’s no better way to start the day. Now, if you know Chicago, you know that the weather can be a real pain in the ass. If it’s too cold or rainy, starting the day with some simple stretching and foam-rolling will suffice.
As much as I enjoy my quiet time in the morning, I also try to listen to music to get pumped up for the day… Usually when I’m getting ready. Always gets me in a great mood!
Do you have a morning routine? Or even a nighttime routine? Would love to hear more about what has worked for you!
The one thing I’ve been trying to do is getting up at 5 (with the Kiwake app- game changer)to work out and give myself then enough time to get ready before getting my 1 and 3 year olds ready. I hate mornings but life is just so much better waking up 45 minutes earlier than I used to.
Thanks for sharing girl! Lemon water is my favorite!
i really should develop the4 habit of not sleeping with my phone but i really do rely on it as an alarm. ill have to grab an alarm before i kick that habit!
abigail alice x
I love to make a big breakfast and catch up on emails before heading into work. I also love checking in with my best friends in the morning! Reading is really nice too when I have the time!
I love The Honest Guys meditations especially the beach one.
Love reading about your routine! It is always great to hear other’s suggestions and ideas. I recently started using Headspace for meditation before bed and I have enjoyed it so far 🙂
Taylor | http://www.livingtaylored.com
I totally have a morning routine! I’m up at 4:45, workout, get ready, eat breakfast then head off to work! I actually turned OFF all notifications on my phone, so when I wake up, I don’t see anything. It’s amazing!! Crazy how much stress that adds just seeing so many notifications there!
I wish I had more time in the mornings, but for me it’s ‘wake up at 6, be on the road at 6:30’ kind of life when I have to be at work at 7.
While I do have a set routine in the morning (make bed, wash face, etc), I’ve always found it’s easier to have a better morning when I have a set routine at night. That usually involves making lunch for next day (cleaning kitchen a lil bit while I’m there), picking up my room (a bit of a neurotic neat freak), and always no technology starting at 9:30 so I have enough time to read / meditate before bed. I love having a cup of sleepytime tea around 8:30-9 that really helps get me in the right mindset for sleep (which is lol when I actually say that out loud).
Thanks for sharing your routines, so happy to have another wellness post!
I love the app HeadSpace for meditating! I just started as well and I love how the app explains meditation and really guides you through it.
Check out the CALM app. Guided meditation with push notification reminder to meditate. GAME. CHANGER!
i love all of these tips! xo