My Favorite Podcasts

Gold Headphones with Apple iPhone

After I launched my podcast a few weeks ago, I got so many questions about my favorite podcasts that I listen to. My favorites run the gamut with topics… I like to switch it up depending on what I’m in the mood to listen to, the time of day, what activity I’m doing while listening, etc. Entrepreneurial shows, career inspiration, all things wellness and spirituality, shows that make me laugh, and lots of real-talk. Below, I’ve compiled thirteen of my favorite shows with a little blurb of why I love to tune in!

Here are my favorites…

Group Chat ย | ย This is the only podcast that I listen to three days a week, and they’re some of the few male voices on this list! It’s current events meets fashion meets tech meets meets whatever. They keep me up to date! I also like how the guys take a relatively unbiased take on the news, as I feel like it helps me sometimes see one side of an argument that I might miss. This isn’t really one of those podcasts where you go back and listen to old episodes, as it’s pretty topical for what’s going on that particular day or week, but I’d definitely recommend starting now!

Be There in Five ย | ย I may be biased because she’s one of my good friends, but Kate’s hysterical. I’ve said this to her before, but she’s like Rain Man in the best way possible. She’s so quick-witted, so intelligent, and has a way of merging topics that I’ll always aspire to. Her podcast is pop-culture meets 90’s nostalgia meets celebrity conspiracy theories meets tidbits on business and entrepreneurship.

The Lively Show ย | ย I’ve said it once, but I’ll say it again. It was a time where I was doing a lot of self-growth and self-discovery, but this podcast was one of the many things that changed my life. I knew of Jess Lively from her days living in Chicago way back when, but it wasn’t until I stumbled across her podcast in early 2017 and literally had to pull the car over because I was so intrigued. To be honest, it might be hard to jump in at her current season, so I’d go back and start around Episodes 186 / 187 / 188 and continue to listen in chronological order until today! It’s fun to go along on her journey.

U Up? ย | ย Jared and Jordana have me laughing out loud every time I tune in. Jared is a comedian, Jordana is one of the founders of Betches, and it’s real-talk about dating, hookups, navigating relationships, etc. I like how it’s not *too* raunchy, but it never feels like they’re holding back either.

Almost 30 ย | ย Almost 30 is the place for all things wellness! I learn about so much about trends and others to follow in the health, wellness, and spirituality space. The episodes tend to be pretty long so sometimes I have to listen in smaller chunks!

Jen Gotch is OK Sometimes ย | ย Jen Gotch is the founder of and she’s so open about her mental healthy journey. She doesn’t seem to be currently publishing any new episodes (I think because she’s writing a book!), but all of her previous ones are great to binge.

Deetour ย | ย Dee Murthy is one of the guys from Group Chat and he recently started his own podcast. They’re short episodes (usually under 20 minutes) that do a quick dive into one topic in the business and entrepreneurial space.

Him & Her ย | ย Lauryn & Michael are hysterical! They talk about allllllll of the things… Entrepreneurship, health, wellness, self-development, sex, relationships, etc.

Work Party ย | ย I met Jaclyn through Create & Cultivate in Chicago (four years ago!) and I love when I get to catch up with her at different conferences and events throughout the year. She’s built something so big with C&C, written a book (Work Party), and it’s so inspiring to follow along on her journey. She has some really great guests on the show!

A Drink with James ย | ย If you’re in the blogging or influencer space, this is a must-listen. When I have time, I watch his YouTube videos, but I was thrilled to see that I can listen on-the-go, too!

As Your Friend ย | ย Ashley and Eddie are two friends of mine that live in LA and I was so excited when they announced they were doing a podcast! They’re both super smart, so fun, and genuinely great people… I’ve loved listening to their conversation so far, it feels just like we’re catching up over coffee IRL.

Bad on Paper ย | ย Apparently I have a lot of friends with podcasts, haha! I know Grace and Becca from my NYC days and again, I love listening to their show. They have the best guests and their topics really run the gamut… their Highs & Lows, favorite products, wellness-y things, and books, too!

Second Life ย | ย I don’t listen to every episode of Second Life, but I tune in whenever there’s a guest that I’m interested in! Lots of inspiring stories in the fashion, beauty, and lifestyle space.

I’d love to hear what some of YOUR favorite podcasts are! I always love finding new ones that resonate with me. Share your favorites in the comment box below! xoxo jrs

Current Faves

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  1. 3.18.19
    Marta said:

    I feel like podcasts are a trend now more than ever and it’s when things become trends that you really get some good stuff because lots of people are doing it. I’m definitely gonna check out some of those.

  2. 3.18.19
    Elle said:

    Ummmm you should have included yours ๐Ÿ˜‰ I love bad on paper too (going to see Grace’s live show in April) and I love Girls Gotta should check them out! i die laughing listening to it. xo

    • 3.18.19
      Jessica said:

      So jealous you get to see Grace’s show!! I actually saw Girls Gotta Eat live when they were in Chicago a few weeks ago and listen to their show from time to time. I listen to A TON, but these are my faves that I don’t miss an episode of! ๐Ÿ™‚

      • 3.18.19
        Jessica said:

        I meant to say Grace AND Becca!!

        • 3.18.19

          omg yay just dropping into the comments here, thanks for listening!!!!

  3. 3.18.19
    Angela Bibko said:

    Thanks so much for this list! I have added the Lively Show since you have mentioned a few times on your own Podcast. It is always good to get recommendations from people you love to follow!

  4. 3.18.19


  5. 3.19.19
    Kendal said:

    I actually haven’t heard of most of these podcasts! I’ll have to go and add some to my library right now.

    Kendal / Life With Kendal

  6. 3.19.19
    Laura said:

    Wow, I haven’t heard of most of these! I’m a podcast junkie so that means something, will def have to add some of these to my to-listen-to list! We did a whole week on our favorite podcasts ( and which ones we can’t stop listening to!