I shared a little teaser last week in my LA City Guide, but today I’ve got the full video from #MyDrive with BMW! When I was in LA last month, I filmed what a typical day looks like when I’m traveling. Lots of exploration (food, fitness, style, shopping, landscape, art, and more) and squeezing in time to make sure work still gets done along the way! The video also touches on my current journey… My lifestyle, goals, inspirations, etc.
This year, I’m all about seeing more, doing more, and achieving more… Being a total “yes” person! I never want to feel stagnant or like I’m just going through the motions, you know? Since I work for myself and usually on my own, it’s so important for me to switch up my scenery every so often. And since I’m young, single, without any pets (just a Fiddle Leaf Fig! 😂), and can work from pretty much anywhere with a wifi connection… I’m trying to take advantage of this time and travel as much as I can. But with that, I’m also trying to be more receptive to the idea of resting and recharging. (And not feeling guilty doing so!) Especially after living in NYC for three years, my mentality tends to be go-go-GO! But the idea of balance is something I’m trying to achieve in my everyday life.
Before the trip, I had a few calls with the video production team and the BMW team at DesignWorks so they could get a feel for my lifestyle and the Bows & Sequins brand. (The picture above is the moodboard they put together for the car they designed for me!) “What features are important to you in a car?” My first thought was “a built-in rolling rack!” 😂 When my photographer and I are driving around for photo shoots, I’m constantly changing in the car and have all of my hanging clothes and accessories in the back seat. (Needless to say, tinted windows are a must!) When it comes to my everyday vehicle, I definitely need some space. But since I live in downtown Chicago, I don’t want anything that’s too big. I need to be able to zip around and park easily, especially when we find a cool spot for photos! Technology and connectivity are huge for me, too. Hands-free Bluetooth connection for my phone, a navigation system for travel and exploring around the city, and a USB connection for my music are at the top of my list.
On the second day of the shoot, I got to meet with the BMW team at DesignWorks to see what they came up with! When we were chatting, it was pretty crazy how much crossover there is between your style and your car. Just like your footwear, you want your vehicle to be both functional and stylish! DesignWorks was kind of mind blowing… They have design teams for everything from airplanes and vehicles to printers and power drills. It was so eye opening how much design goes into everyday things that you don’t even think of.
A little bit about the car they (virtually!) designed for me… Of course I knew that you could specify your interior and exterior colors, but I really had no idea about the breadth of customization that BMW is able to do! They designed a convertible, that would be the perfect “second car,” a fun ride to enjoy during the fabulous summer months in Chicago. I can see it now… Sun shining, top down, driving along Lake Shore Drive. The dream! The exterior paint color is a really faint blush pink color, which is definitely fun, but not too flashy. (Which I think describes my style to a T!) I assumed that they custom created the paint color for this project since I’ve never seen a BMW that color, but it’s actually one of the colors offered. Inside they incorporated some monogramed features, as well as a printed floral fabric for the seats. Definitely not something you see everyday! It was so cool to see how you’re able to customize every little detail to really make your car your own and an extension of your lifestyle and home.
They walked me through some of the different finishes and fabric options, and it was neat to see the crossover with the trends in fashion. There were rose gold finishes, shades of pink and blue, as well as graphic patterns that you could definitely see being used as the fabric for high-end fashion pieces. We chatted about forecasting and production time, too, which was so interesting. In my previous jobs working in marketing, alongside the PR and production teams, for both jewelry and beauty, and even now with the clothing line, wheels are in motion (no pun intended) 6-12 months before a launch. In the automotive world, it’s 5-6 years from start to finish!
Overall, it was such an amazing experience working with a brand I’ve admired my entire life (#goals), filming with such a kickass crew, and exploring new-to-me spots in LA.
Created in partnership with BMW
Umm I want that car!!
SO nice! Thanks for sharing!
Beautiful floral fabric option for the interior! Ladies love riding in style too 🙂
Happy Tuesday
That car is so chic, I love the fancy lining
This is so neat! Dream car!
Wow, what an awesome experience and so cool to see behind-the-scenes of the video too. Congrats, girl… awesome brand collab and love the final video!