You Can Never Have A Closet Too Big

Most people see my closet and gasp… it’s pretty big for an apartment, especially in Chicago where space tends to be scarce. In my opinion, there is no such thing as a big enough closet, but it’ll do for now. ๐Ÿ™‚

So there was no other place for my TV. I’m strongly considering taking it back to my parents’ house because I rarely use it.

I love being able to see all of my bracelets. I feel like I forget what I have if it’s not laid out in front of me. Anyone else have that problem??

Sunglasses and headbands… I really need to figure out a better way to store these. Any suggestions?

I love closet organization tips, as I am always re-organizing things. Please feel free to leave comments about your closet and accessory organization strategies! ๐Ÿ™‚

ps- How great is this dresser?? I got it from Home Decorators Collection. Apparently there are marks on the top of it so it was marked down a lot, but it’s got that vintage look so I couldn’t even tell what marks were intentional and unintentional. Amazing find!

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  1. 6.21.11
    Sherry said:

    I LOVE your closet!! Great dresser and I love how organized you are! I’m always looking for organization ideas too and you are so right, the closet can NEVER be too big!!! ๐Ÿ™‚

    • 6.22.11
      Jessica said:

      Thanks! I don’t feel like I’m that organized at all (you should see my dresser right now… yikes), but I try to be!

  2. 6.21.11
    Shasie said:

    Wow your closet is fantastic! That’s such a great idea to use a dresser to store your accessories! Cute

    Live Life in Style

    • 6.22.11
      Jessica said:

      Thanks! It’s probably a waste of space to be honest, but I LOVE the dresser.

  3. 6.21.11
    Caroline said:

    So jealous of that closet space! In New York that would be a bedroom! ha ha

    • 6.22.11
      Jessica said:

      I knew NYC apartments were small, but I guess I didn’t realize HOW small! Where do you keep all of your stuff??

  4. 7.5.11
    Lauren said:

    WOW! Your closet is amazing! I am so incredibly jealous. We have a VERY old house that has never been rennovated or anything and the closet is literally a sliding glass door with about 1 foot depth. To make matters worse, I share it with my boyfriend! It’s a disaster.

    But I recently purchased a dress from Goodwill that has that same vintage look. I’m painting mine red, but the way you have your drawers organized is a real inspiration! I might have to give it a try myself! ๐Ÿ™‚

    Your blog is so cute! Definitely gonna read more often. I’m really glad I stumbled upon it.
